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The Beautiful Heart: Developing the Sweet Heart Practices

Online Monday evenings January 15 - February 19, 2024

Description: The Beautiful Heart: Developing the sweet heart practices.

The practice of mindfulness has many facets to explore. Join Kat Boehm in the new year to delve deeper into the sweet practices of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, gratitude and equanimity. Kat will begin this 6-week program, by sharing ways to develop a relationship with awareness to establish a heart space that is open to receive goodness and ease. During subsequent sessions, Kat will provide guidance to expand your connection with your heart’s wisdom. Home-play will be given to support your practice in daily life.

About the teacher: Edmonton Insight Meditation is happy to welcome Kat Boehm back to lead another course for our sangha. Kat is an Edmonton-based meditation and yoga teacher. She began sitting silent retreats in 1997, studying with renowned teachers in different Buddhist lineages in India, Burma and the United States, including at the Insight Meditation Society Retreat Centre and Forest Refuge in Barre, Massachusetts. She has been teaching mindfulness, meditation and yoga in Edmonton since 2004 and more recently internationally online. Kat is known for her approachable, humorous and playful approach to mindfulness practice.

Dates: : 6 consecutive Mondays, January 15th to February 19th, 2024. 

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Venue: Online (Zoom), link will be sent to you before classes begin.

Suitable for:  Beginning meditators as well as those with experience.

Registration: by donation plus dana to support the teacher which can be offered during the class. Instructions will be provided on how to do so during the sessions. Registration opens on December 28th, 2023 and closes on February 12th @ 4:00 p.m.

For more information and to register:  Eventbrite

Or contact us at this email address:

About dana: The registration by donation (dana) helps to support Edmonton Insight Meditation's administrative and other operating costs to enable us to offer classes and other activities to the community. The teacher who is sharing these precious teachings and many resources is also supported solely by dana offered to her by participants. This concept can be somewhat mysterious in the West, unlike in Asia where this mutually beneficial practice arose and people are more familiar with supporting teachers in this way. For those unfamiliar with the term, "dana" is the Pali word for generosity. The giving of dana is a practice in itself in that participants have an opportunity to practise generosity and letting go. You are invited to enter into this practice joyfully and with an open heart to support the teachings of the precious dharma offered.

We often get inquiries about what might be a reasonable amount to give to the teacher. Offering guidance can be somewhat sensitive as everyone's circumstances are so varied. That said, we offer some soft guidelines for you. Given our cost of living in North America, you might consider a range of ~$10 - $20 per class (equivalent to $60 to $120 for this six-week program). One of the gifts of dana is that it is optional and if people choose to give in this way, they can give according to their means. Please feel free to offer more if you are able and this brings you joy to support others and the program in this way. Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution is valued.